"After a Suicide" is a portal linking people who are grieving after a death by suicide to an online directory of resources and information to help them cope with their loss. The directory also lists items for people who want to offer support and assistance to the suicide bereaved. The site's Bitlink* is bit.ly/afterasuicide. This site is not for crisis outreach: For immediate assistance, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
- Grief in General -- Introductory material on bereavement
- Suicide Grief Primer -- An overview of grief after suicide
- Suicide Grief Websites -- Comprehensive sites focused on suicide bereavement
- Suicide Grief Materials -- Booklets, handouts ... about grief after suicide
- Online Assistance -- Interactive help available online
- Support Groups -- Information about group support for people bereaved by suicide
- Special Populations -- For bereaved parents, people of color, peer helpers, clinicians ...
- Bereaved Children -- Items for suicide bereaved children, plus children's grief in general
- Military/Vets/Families -- Resources for bereaved military, veterans, and their families
- Schools/Workplaces -- Best practices for community, work, school responses to suicide
- Communities -- Postvention training and principles for communities
- Helping Others -- Principles, theories, guidance on assisting the suicide bereaved
- Children's Caregivers -- Guidance on helping children bereaved by suicide
- First Responders -- Guidance for law enforcement, LOSS Teams ...
*Bitlinks (bit.ly/sitename) are used the same way as a site's original Internet address.